Author: TAW Admin

Tibetan Medical & Astro Institute Outreach Tour in Seattle, WA.

Besides visit by Paljor Kalon, we also have Men-Tsee-Khang visiting Seattle to attend program at Bastyr University.  They have offered to hold clinic for our community at the end of their program at the University. Those who wish to consult with Tibetan doctor or need to refill their prescription of Tibetan medicine, it will be great opportunity. Please mark your calendar for the following two dates, time and venue. Date:     SATURDAY 11/19/16 Time:    9:00am – 12:00pm Venue:  Sakya Monastery (Library) Date:    SUNDAY: 11/20/16 Time:    12:30pm – 5:00pm Venue:  Shoreline Senior Center

TLCC Annual Benefit Concert: Oct 29th, 2016

Date: Oct 29th, 2016 Time: 5:30 to 8:30pm Location: Auditorium, Shoreline Conference Center 18560 1st Ave NE, Shoreline, WA 98155 Tickets: In Advance:$30.00 At the Door:$35.00 Call for Tickets: 425-209-6458 / 206-790-7756 Tibetan Language and Culture Class is a Sunday school to support our children stay connected and learn our language and culture. We have no regular source of income and all our parents volunteer. We depend on our Annual Benefit Nite as our primary source of income supplemented by occasional donations from friends and supporters, Both our artists have travelled extensively in Asia and North America, we are happy to...

21st Annual Seattle Tibet Fest (8/27 & 8/28)

21st Annual Tibet Fest (8/27 & 8/28) Click here for our FACEBOOK TibetFest Event  NEWS ARTICLE 8/2/16 : Celebrate Culture and Tradition at Seattle Center’s TIBET FEST  Seattle Center Festál presents the 21st annual Tibet Fest. Experience the cultural roots and contemporary influences of Tibet through live performances, visual arts, hands-on activities, foods, games, and a lively marketplace. Join in a group dance, create a Sand Mandala and learn about the ancient art of herbal medicines. Tibet’s ancient and modern history is woven through Tibet Fest, which seeks to preserve this centuries-old cultural tradition with artwork, dance and discussions of the Tibetan...

HH the 14th Dalai Lama’s 81st Birthday @ Sakya Monastery/Carkeek Park (Potluck)

Join us for potluck celebration to honor His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s 81st Birthday! Bring your friends and family members as we will have plenty of fun filled activities for kids and adults with prizes. Where: Sakya Monastery and Carkeek Park Time: 10am @ Sakya Monastery for brief traditional ceremony and then to Carkeek park till 6:00pm Food: Potluck (Drinks will be provided by TAW) ***HHDL BDAY FLYER 

H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Dorje Chang’s 49th Day Prayer Ceremony

49th_Day_Prayer_Ceremony_Program When: June 23rd, 2016 Where: Sakya Monastery Time: 9:00am till 9:00pm ++++++++++++++++++++++ 9:00 am Vajrayogini Puja begins 10:30 am H.E. Avikrita Rinpoche speech honoring H.H. Jigdal Dagchen Sakya Dorje Chang’s life 10:45 am H.E. Asanga Rinpoche expression of appreciation (Tibetan) H.E. Abhaya Rinpoche expression of appreciation (English) 11:00 am Sangha & public may make katag offerings and receive blessing photo Noon Lunch break 2:00 pm Mahakala Puja 4:30 pm Grand Tsok distributed to lamas and sangha 5:00 pm Aspiration of Samantabhadra & Dedication of Merit Prayer (p. 63) 6:00 pm Dinner break 8:30 pm Mar-mey Monlam Butter-lamp Prayer in...