Category: TAW Posts

Updates on TAW activties and programs

2022 Demographic Survey from CTA

The demographic survey is among the priority initiatives of the 16th Kashag, a key endeavour to get a hold of number of Tibetans in the diaspora, the collected data of which will be used as a standard measure for the implementation of political, administration, socio-economic and welfare schemes and most importantly, the same data will be adopted in the administration’s endeavour towards e-governance. – Please download survey form

May 4th, 2022: Lhakar

It was the first-ever Lhakar event organized by TAW at Cromwell Park. Lhakar is about eating Tibetan food, wearing Tibetan clothing, speaking the Tibetan language, and celebrating the Tibetan identity. We did just that. Share your Lhakar

April 25th, 2022: Panchen Rinpoche Birthday

We commemorated Panchen rinpoche’s 33rd birthday at Green Lake Park. We kicked off the event with a peach march around the lake. After that, we started the program with the Tibetan national anthem, a dedicated song, and prayer for the Panchen rinpoche. In the end, we wrapped up the event with a candlelight vigil and a birthday cake cut. Learn more and take action:

March 10th, 2022: Tibetan National Uprising Day

March 10th, 2022 marked the 63rd Tibetan uprising day against China’s invasion. We started the rally at Westlake Park and covered a few important places including Downtown Seattle areas, Pike place market, and the Chinatown-international district. Learn more and take action:

Visit us on Facebook for the latest content

Tashi Delek, We’re glad you’re here. For the latest information on our activities and events please visit our Facebook page Since our community is heavily engaged on Social media we have transitioned most of our quickly evolving content to our Facebook and Instagram pages. Thuk Ji Che!